Matej Breznik, Odon Planinšek, Stane Srčič
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Pharmacy, Aškerčeva 7, 1000
Ljubljana, Slovenia
It is of great interest to pharmaceutical technologists to be able
to predict interactions between particles in mixtures in order to predict
their behaviour during technological processes and to control the pharmacokinetic
and pharmacodynamic properties of the resulting dosage forms. In our study
we used Mg stearate and methyl orange as model compounds to study the mixing
behaviour. As expected, the mixture prepared with mortar and pestle in
mass proportion 1:1 was slightly coloured since Mg stearate particles (white)
are covering the methyl orange. Our results show that Mg stearate has a
lower surface free energy than methyl orange so, theoretically, particles
of Mg stearate are expected to spread over the methyl orange particles.
This was confirmed by calculation of spreading coefficients that gave positive
spreading coefficients of Mg stearate over methyl orange. FT IR measurements
for physical mixtures of Mg stearate and methyl orange in different proportions
substantiate the spreading coefficient calculation. The results suggest
that Mg stearate has a higher covering capacity at lower weight ratios
in mixtures with methyl orange.