Stojan Stavber,* Petra Kralj, Marko Zupan
Laboratory for Organic and Bioorganic Chemistry, "Jožef Stefan" Institute and Department of Chemistry, University of Ljubljana, Jamova 39, SI-1000 Ljubljana, SLOVENIA
The mineral contents of three different varieties of hazelnut, namely Karaf?nd?k, Tombul, and Delisava, which are cultivated in Sakarya-Turkey, were studied for variety and geographical region and analysed by using flame atomic absorption spectrometry. A total of four elements, iron, copper, manganese, zinc, were determined in hazelnut kernels in hulled and dehulled forms. The mean levels of iron, copper, manganese, and zinc are 3.45±1.3, 1.61±1.1, 12.72±0.6, 2.63±0.6 in hulled kernels, 3.24±1.9, 1.72±0.9, 11.54±0.9, 2.76±0.4 in dehulled kernels, respectively. Mineral compositions of varieties showed significant differences from each other by means of geographical region and hulled or dehulled state of hazelnut kernels. It was found that the highest mineral levels were measured in Hendek district whereas in Akyaz? district lowest mineral contents were obtained.