Abraham F. Jalbout
Department of Chemistry, The University of New Orleans, New Orleans,
LA 70148;
Department of Physics, Dillard University, New Orleans, LA 70112;
EJMAPS Organization, 1107 Carrollton Ave, Metairie, LA 70005; Ajalbout@ejmaps.org
In this work, a new model for fluctuations in Canonical ensembles for
which the partition function Q is independent on the number of molecules,
(N), the volume component (V), and temperature (in the form of ?=(kT)-1,
where T=temperature, k=Boltzman’s constant). Our model incorporates the
basic form of Baye’s theorem, and will be applied to a real example for
which the probability of the expected value of the energy given the temperature
will be calculated. In essence an expression for the thermal energy in
these fluctuations is presented.