Muzaffer Can,* Hayati Sari
Gaziosmanpasa University, Art and Science Faculty, Chemistry Department,
60250, Tokat, Turkey
Mustafa Macit
Ondokuzmay?s University, Department of Chemistry, 55139 Samsun,
The deprotonation constants of 1-benzyl-4-piperazineglyoxime (BPGO)
and 1-methyl-4-piperazineglyoxime have been determined in 0.1 mol dm-3
NaCl at 25 °C potentiometrically (Molspin). The pKa values have been found
as 9.79, 7.04 and 3.19 for BPGO and 9.56, 7.62 and 3.01 for MPGO in acidic
medium. Protonation order of nitrogen atoms in the ligands has been determined
by theoretical calculation (Semi-empirical AM1 method). In various pH conditions,
the different complexes, which are formulated as MH6L2, MH5L2, MH4L2, MH3L2,
MH2L2, MHL2, ML2, MH-1L2 and MH-2L2 have been formed by titration of the
transition metal ions (Cu2+, Co2+, Ni2+ and Zn2+) and ligands mixtures
with NaOH. The stabillity constants of each complex have been calculated
by SUPERQUAD computer program and general mechanisms have been proposed
with regard to the formation of these complexes (MH2nL2 and MH2n-1L2).