X-ray absorption spectroscopy and related
Alojz Kodre,a,b Iztok Arčon,c,b and Jana
Padežnik Gomilšekd
a Faculty of Mathematics
and Physics,
b Jožef
Stefan Institute, Jamova 39, SI-1000
c Nova
Gorica Polytechnic, Vipavska
13, SI-5000 Nova
d Faculty of Mechanical Engineering,
In the extensive
field of X-ray diagnostic techniques, nowadays mostly implemented on
synchrotron X-ray sources, the X-ray absorption methods offer a relatively
simple tool for structural analysis of materials. The advantage of the methods
is the sensitivity to chemical species and the insensitivity to the long-range order.
An overview of various detection techniques is given together with the
discussion of accuracy of the method with regard to the spatial resolution and
the possible contamination by intra-atomic contributions, the multielectron photoexcitations.
Key words: X-ray absorption, EXAFS, XANES