Solid Phase Peptide Synthesis of the Fragment BPC 157 of Human Gastric Juice Protein BPC and its Analogues
Zlatko Pflauma and Rudolf Ručmanb
a Lek Pharmaceuticals d.d., Kolodvorska 27, SI-1234 Mengeš, Slovenia
Diagen d.o.o., Sp. Gameljne 72, SI-1211 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Human gastric juice contains
protein BPC, which exhibits a wide range of biological activities. The 15-amino
acid fragment (BPC 157) and its analogues were synthesized using SPPS on a
preloaded Boc–Val-HYCRAMTM polymeric resin (the combination of Boc-
and Fmoc-chemistry was used) and a preloaded Fmoc-Val-SASRINTM
polymeric resin (the Fmoc-chemistry was used). Yields, chromatographic purities
and costs for synthesis of equal mmolar amounts of compounds on both polymeric
resins were compared.
Key words: SPPS, BPC, peptides, Boc, Fmoc