Tocol Content in Barley

Jaroslav Prýma,a,* Jaroslava Ehrenbergerová,b Natálie Belcrediová,c Kateřina Vaculovác

aResearch Institute of Brewing and Malting, PLC, Malting Institute Brno, Mostecká 7, 614 00 Brno, Czech Republic.
Tel.: +420 545244110,

Mendel University of Agriculture and Forestry, Brno, Czech Republic
Agricultural Research Institute, Kroměřīž, Ltd., Czech Republic

Paper based on a presentation at the 12th International Symposium on Separation Sciences, Lipica, Slovenia,
September 27–29, 2006.

Green barley and malting barley are sources of numerous compounds with positive effects on the human organism – especially substances with antioxidant effects, e.g. vitamin E. We determined tocol content in barley caryopses in dependence of varietal and genetic properties of materials. Using chromatography, we studied vitamin E content in different growth phases of green barley and in varietal lines of malting barley. The content of vitamin E was the highest in the first growing phase (14.4–18.0 mg kg–1) in the variety Sebastian. Green plants contain significantly less tocotrienols than barley caryopses.

Keywords: vitamin E, tocols, barley, green barley, HPLC analysis