Development and Validation of Voltammetric Techniques for Nabumetone in Pharmaceutical Dosage Form, Human Serum and Urine

Yuksel Altun1, Burcu Dogan2, Sibel A. Ozkan2, Bengi Uslu*2

1 Gazi University, Faculty of Education, Department of Chemistry, 06500, Teknikokullar, Ankara, TURKEY
2 Ankara University, Faculty of Pharmacy, Department of Analytical Chemistry, 06100, Tandogan, Ankara, TURKEY
Tel: +90-312-2126805
Fax: +90-312-2238243,

The electrochemical behavior and determination of nabumetone, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug, were studied in aqueous alcohol medium at a glassy carbon electrode using cyclic, differential pulse (DP) and osteryoung square wave (OSW) voltammetric techniques. In pH 3.7 acetate buffer, nabumetone solution presents a well-defined anodic response at 1.2 V as shown by the proposed methods. The anodic peak was characterized as being irreversible and diffusioncontrolled. The slope of the log ip – log v linear plot was 0.52 indicating the diffusion control for pH 3.7 acetate buffer solution. Under optimal conditions, a detection limit of 7.65 × 10–8 M for DPV and 3.60 × 10–8 M for OSW, and a linear calibration graph in the range from 1 × 10–6 M to 8 × 10–5 M were obtained for both methods. The procedure was successfully applied to the determination of the drug in tablets, spiked human serum and spiked human urine with good recoveries. The detection limits were 2.31 × 10–7 M and 2.53 × 10–7 M in human serum and 2.68 × 10–7 M and 2.51 × 10–7 M in human urine for DPV and OSWV method, respectively.

Keywords: Nabumetone, voltammetry, determination, pharmaceutical dosage form, serum, urine.