Solvation of Two-dimensional Lennard-Jones Solutes. Thermodynamic Perturbation Theory and Monte Carlo Simulations†
Tomaž Urbič* and Vojko Vlachy
1Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, University of
Ljubljana, Aškerčeva 5, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia;
We study the transfer of two-dimensional Lennard-Jones solutes into the two-dimensional
Lennard-Jones solvent. Thermodynamic quantities associated with this process are
calculated. For this purpose the Monte Carlo method in two different ensembles,
reflecting different thermodynamic restrictions, is utilized. The excess free
enthalpy, excess enthalpy (p,T), and excess free energy and excess internal
energy (V,T) of the transfer of a solute into the solvent are calculated. In
addition to the Monte Carlo method the thermodynamic perturbation theory is
applied to the same system. The necessary expressions to calculate the transfer
properties within the thermodynamic perturbation theory are derived. The
theoretical results are tested against the Monte Carlo computer simulations.
Very good agreement between the thermodynamic perturbation theory results and
exact computer simulations is obtained. These results lend some confidence into
the thermodynamic perturbation theory and suggests its application to more
realistic systems.
Keywords: Lennard Jones mixtures, perturbation theory